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How to moderate an SMS which is waiting for approval in the SMS Manager app

The SMS Manager app allows to users to work with their team. For this purpose, the app provides a lot of permissions which the team administrators can use to restrict the usage of the app features. One of these permissions is the Save SMS Queue permission which will save in the queue all team member SMS. The SMS won't be sent until a team's member or team's owner won't approve it. 

How the Save SMS Queue permission works?

  • The user can create SMS to be sent immediately, schedule or plan.
  • The SMS won't be sent until the approbation.
  • The SMS could be approved by team's owner and by team's members which have the Allow SMS Moderation permission.

What happens if the team's member tries to send a SMS in real time and its SMS goes in the queue? When it is approved, the SMS won't be sent immediately but will be scheduled automatically.

The app saves in the SMS History the information about who has rejected/approved a SMS. These actions can't be deleted.

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