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How to use the Team Roles permissions in the FB Moderator app

The FB Moderator app allows you to manage your team members and their permissions. Each team member's role determines what actions they can perform within the app.

Navigate to Settings > Team Settings > Roles > desired role > Moderator for Facebook to access the settings.

Here are the available team roles and their associated permissions:

  1. Moderator for Facebook Access - This permission provides access to the FB Moderator app. This should be enabled for all team members to be able to use the app.

  2. Moderator Configuration Access - This permission provides access to the app's configuration pages. It should be enabled for team members who need to configure and manage the app's settings.

  3. Pages Creation - This permission allows team members to connect new Facebook Pages to the app. You can decide separately, in the Networks tab, if a user is allowed to connect new accounts in the system. Team members who connect a Facebook Page to the FB Moderator app will have access to manage that page. The connected pages will be automatically allowed for their role.

  4. Pages Editing - This permission allows team members to edit the pages' configurations.

  5. Pages Deletion - This permission allows team members to delete pages.

  6. Pages Access - This permission allows team members to access the pages. The team owner can decide, by role, which pages in the FB Moderator app can be accessed.

  7. Conditions Creation - This permission allows team members to create new conditions for comment moderation.

  8. Conditions Editing - This permission allows team members to edit existing conditions.

  9. Conditions Deletion - This permission allows team members to delete conditions.

  10. Categories Creation - This permission allows team members to create new categories.

  11. Categories Deletion - This permission allows team members to delete categories.

By setting permissions for your team members, you can control what actions they can perform and keep your account and data secure.

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