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How to use the SMS History feature in the SMS Manager app

In the SMS Manager app, it is possible to see when an SMS was sent to a phone number as well as when an SMS is scheduled or planned to be sent. In the SMS page, it is possible to see  when the SMS was sent to the selected lists. Even so, this information is not enough because there could be multiple reasons why the SMS was not sent correctly, was edited in wrong way by a team's member or was cancelled. For this situation was created the SMS History feature where the user could see what happens with a created SMS.

The SMS History can be found in the SMS Manager app > SMS page > click on any SMS. It can't be deleted and the history can be seen by any team's member with the access to see the sender number of a SMS (if a team's member has by role enabled a sender phone number, all created SMS where is selected that phone number will have access).

The SMS History is a section where could be displayed up to 10 records and the pagination allows to list all existing history records.

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