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How to use the Received page in the SMS Manager app

In the SMS Manager app, it is possible to send and receive SMS. The app allows even to use the SMS replies like in a chat. The SMS are displayed in real time and the user could reply with one click.

The SMSs can be sent from the Scheduler tool, from the Sent page and even from the Received page. The received SMS are displayed only in the Received page and the app saves there even the SMS from the phone numbers which never received our SMSs.

In the main app menu where is the Receiver item, a green color badge with the number of unseen SMS will be displayed. The badge will be displayed there until all SMS are seen. 

The Receiver page displays all received SMS. By clicking on any SMS, you will get all sent/received SMSs from a number to a connected Twilio phone number in the SMS Manager app. The pagination allows to list all SMS and it is possible to reply to the received SMSs.

From the Receiver page is possible to search for SMS and filter the SMS by receivers phone numbers.

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