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How to use the Pexels stock images or videos to post to the social networks and blogs

In the Scheduler and Planner tools in the AI & Social Poster app, you can download images with a click from Pexels. The images could be shared on the social network as posts.

You can search for the wanted images or videos from Pexels directly in the the AI & Social Poster app and navigate through the search results. All images are free and them could be used in the created posts:

  1. Click on Search on Web Tab below the text box in the Scheduler tool in the AI & Social Poster app.
  2. Select Pexels Images or Pexel Videos
  3. Search for the image or videos you'd like
  4. Click on the video or image you like and it will be added to the text box to be posted on social media or blogs.

The downloaded images will be saved in the your storage (media gallery).

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