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How to use the Buttons element for bots in the Telegram groups with the Telegram Chatbot app

The Telegram Chatbot app offers the ability to automate message replies in Telegram groups using both plain messages and bots. Bots are sequences of elements that enable interactive navigation for Telegram users.

One essential element available for creating bots is the Buttons element. This element allows you to construct a list of buttons that can be sent as replies to messages.

The Buttons element supports two types of buttons:

  1. Link to another event within the same bot.
  2. Link to a website.

In addition to the buttons, the Buttons element should include a text that appears above the list of buttons. This text provides context or instructions to users interacting with the bot.

To create a button element in a bot: Open the Telegram Chatbot app and navigate to Bots.

  1. Click on the "New Bot" button.
  2. Access the "Elements" menu item.
  3. Drag and drop the "Button" element into your bot.

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