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How to Use the Adobe Express tool in the AI & Social Poster tool to design images, videos and animations

The Adobe Express tool allows you to easily generate images, visuals, and videos.

To create stunning visuals and videos using the Scheduler tool in the AI & Social Poster app, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Rocket icon located on the left-hand menu.
  2. Select the AI & Social Poster app from the menu, then choose the Scheduler tool.
  3. To create high-quality visuals, click on the fifth button at the bottom of the text box (next to the notebook icon) and select Adobe Express.
  4. Sign in to Adobe within the app.
  5. Choose a template or start from scratch.
  6. Click on the "Insert" button located in the top-right corner to use your design within the Scheduler tool. The design will also be added to your media gallery to use any time or with other apps such apps Ad Manager, Chatbots, FB Commenter or Insta Commenter.

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