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How to use a default message as reply for WhatsApp messages in the WhatsApp Chatbot app

In the WhatsApp Chatbot app, you have the option to create a default message that serves as a quick reply to incoming WhatsApp messages. This default message can be used alongside other quick replies and will be utilized only if the conditions for the quick replies are not met.

To set up a default message:

  1. Open the WhatsApp Chatbot app.
  2. Access the Accounts menu.
  3. Click on the New Account button.
  4. Connect a new WhatsApp account.
  5. Proceed by clicking on the Next Step button.
  6. You will be directed to the page associated with the Twilio number (referred to as the "account" in the app).
  7. Enable the account.
  8. Enter your desired default message and enable it.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the default message will be used as a reply when the conditions for other quick replies are not met.

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