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How to set up a Default Response in the FB Commenter App

The FB Commenter app allows users to set up a default response for all received comments on a Facebook Page. This response will be used when there is no available quick reply that meets the message of the received comment.

To set up a default response in the FB Commenter app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the FB Commenter app.
  2. Click on the Pages menu item.
  3. Click on the New Page button.
  4. Select the desired Facebook Page.
  5. Click on the Next Step button.
  6. Ensure that your Page has an ON status (enabled).
  7. Enable the Default Response feature and enter the message that you want to send as a comment reply.
  8. Click on the Save Changes button to save the default response.

With the default response feature, you can ensure that you always respond to comments on your Facebook Page, even if there is no specific quick reply available. This can help to improve your customer service and engagement on the platform.

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