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How to import the quick replies in the Facebook Commenter app

The quick replies in the Facebook Commenter app are used to provide automatic replies to the received comments. When someone comments our Facebook post, the Facebook Commenter app verifies if the quick replies exists for that Facebook Page, verifies if the comments body contains the keywords from the available quick replies and the selects the quick reply with the best accuracy based on the available keywords.

The quick replies could be created one by one. Another way to create the quick replies is based on CSV import. Is possible to create a list with quick replies and import them in the CRM Commenter for Facebook app. 

The CSV's rows should have 3 fields:

  • keywords with spaces used as condition.
  • text response used to reply the received comments.
  • accuracy used to identify the keywords.

An example model of supported CSV could be downloaded from the Facebook Commenter app > Quick Replies > Import CSV modal.

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