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How to import and export words through the Synonyms tool in the FB Pages Feed app

The synonyms in the FB Pages Feed app are used to make the new posts original. You can create a list with words and synonyms to replace the original words in the posts to be posted.

The categories are used to group the words and for each Facebook Page, it is possible to select single or multiple categories.

The words can either be created one by one or they can be imported from a CSV file. You can download a CSV example for the format.

The CSV file should have two fields per row:

  • word - one or multiple words.
  • synonyms - one or multiple synonyms divided by quote.

The word field should have maximum 250 characters. The synonyms field should have maximum 1000 characters in total. Otherwise, the words won't be saved.

Before uploading a CSV file, it is possible to select the Categories which should be added to the saved words from the uploaded CSV.

The CSV files can be uploaded in FB Pages Feed app > Synonyms > Dropdown button (inside the New Word button) > Import.

The words can be downloaded in a CSV file from FB Pages Feed app > Synonyms > Dropdown button (inside the New Word button) > Export.

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