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How to hide or unhide the Facebook's comments in the FB Moderator app

The FB Moderator app has a feature that enables you to hide or delete comments. Deleting comments will permanently remove them and they cannot be restored. In contrast, hidden comments can be unhidden or hidden again as long as the token is valid, and the comment is still available.

Moderating Comments:

To automatically hide comments, enable this option in the FB Moderator > Pages > desired page > Hide Comments. Afterward, all newly moderated comments will be hidden.

Unhiding Comments:

To unhide a comment in the FB Moderator app, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the FB Moderator app.
  2. Click on the comment that you want to unhide.
  3. Go to the Actions tab.
  4. If the comment is hidden (not deleted), you will see the Moderate box.
  5. Check the option Hide or Unhide Comment.

You can track these changes in the Activities page, where records are saved.

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