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How to diagnose why the posts from a batch in Bulk Sharing tools weren't published on the social networks

With the Bulk Sharing tool of the AI & Social Poster app, you can create lists with posts and publish them on the social networks.

The history of the batches is very important to understand what is happening in the batches. The Bulk Sharing tool saves records in the history about anything it does.

If a batch is found in the database with the required parameters, first of all a message is saved The batch was prepared to publish a post in the batch's history.

If you're seeing the message The batch was prepared to publish a post means the server side is running well.

The second message which you have to search in the batch history is A post was prepared to be published.

If you're not seeing the second message the problem could be in:

  • The batch has no posts which weren't published or the batch has no posts.
  • The batch has no media files nor text or posts.
  • No accounts or groups are selected.

The third message should be The post was published successfully or The post wasn't published successfully or The batch post wasn't published successfully in all selected accounts.

The third message says the Bulk Sharing tool works as expected. You have to verify the accounts history in the posts' pages.

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