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How to create account groups in the AI & Social Poster app

Groups in the AI & Social Poster app are collections of social accounts. You can select with a click all wanted social networks for a post to be published. This feature is useful if a user has multiple social accounts and wants to share a post in all of some of them.

To create a group with accounts:

  • Go to the AI & Social Poster app.
  • Click on the Groups menu item.
  • Click on the New Group button to create a group.
  • In the All Accounts box you will see all available social networks.
  • By clicking on a social network the available accounts will be shown.
  • The search engine allows to filter the displayed accounts.
  • To add a social account to the group, click on a social account. 

  • Next, enter the group name in the box where the selected account will be added.
  • Last step is to click on the button Create Group.

If everything is correct (selected accounts and group name), the group will be saved. A report will show if there has been occurred an error and some accounts were not saved correctly.

The created groups could be edited and deleted from the Groups page.

When a new group is created, a record about is saved and displayed in the Activities page. The team administrator can see there the info about who has created any group.

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