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How to create a condition for automatic Instagram comments moderation with the Instagram Moderator app

The Instagram Moderator app offers automatic comment moderation to help users manage their Instagram accounts more efficiently. This feature requires the creation of specific conditions to be used as rules for comment moderation.

By default, a condition in the Instagram Moderator app includes the following parameters:

  1. Keywords - one or more words that should be present in the unwanted comments. Multiple words should be separated by spaces.
  2. Accuracy - decides if all the specified words need to be present in a comment or if fewer matches are enough.
  3. Categories - allows for grouping conditions and telling Instagram accounts which categories to use.

Optionally, a condition may also include a private message to be sent before moderating a comment. However, this feature is disabled by default due to Instagram API's restrictions on permission for sending private messages.

Navigate to Instagram Moderator > Conditions > click on New Condition button.

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