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How to cancel the SMS sending for a scheduled or planned SMS in the SMS Manager app

The scheduled or planned SMS in the SMS Manager app can be cancelled. The cancellation means these SMS won't be sent to the selected list anymore. 

How to cancel a scheduled or planned SMS?

  • Go to the SMS Manager app.
  • Click on the SMS menu item.
  • Click on the desireded scheduled or planned SMS.
  • You will see in the SMS Details section -> Scheduled/Planned -> Cross icon.
  • Click the Cross icon.
  • To avoid a mistake, a confirmation modal where you could confirm your actions will be displayed.
  • After this, the schedule or plan will be cancelled.

What means the cancellation?

  • The SMS can't be more edited and won't be sent. 
  • In the Weekly Calendar, the SMS and the scheduled or planned events won't be displayed anymore.
  • The app saves the information about who has deleted the SMS and this informationwill be displayed in the SMS history and in the Activities page.

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