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How to automatically save the phone numbers from the Instagram's comments with the Instagram Commenter app

With Instagram Commenter app, you can easily connect your Instagram account to manage and collect all received comments. Additionally, you can use the app's filters to identify phone numbers in the received comments and save them separately in a list.

All the saved phone numbers can be found in the Numbers page of the Instagram Commenter app. You can view all the phone numbers by page and use the search input to look for a specific phone number.

To export all the saved phone numbers, simply click on the Export button to download a CSV file. By clicking on a phone number, you will be redirected to the media's page where the comment was extracted.

It is important to note that the filters used by the Instagram Commenter app cannot differentiate between a phone number and other numbers. Therefore, if a number has more than five characters, it will be saved as a phone number.

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