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How to automate the social analytics reports in the the Social Analytics app

In the Social Analytics app, you can schedule the reports to be sent by email.

You can select the profiles, metrics, time period, the day and hours when that the metrics will be sent, as well as branding feature through adding a Company profile to add header and footer in the generated PDF.

The Newsletter feature sends emails with reports and could send even an attached PDF(if the user plan has enabled this feature).

To schedule a report in the Social Analytics app:

  • Go to the Social Analytics app.
  • Click on the Newsletter menu item.
  • Click on the New Report menu item.
  • Select the profiles.
  • Select the wanted metrics.
  • Select the time interval for reports.
  • Select the day of the week and the time when should be sent the reports.
  • Select a Company profile for PDF.
  • Enter the emails for the report to be send (one per line).
  • Select Enabled option
  • Finally, Save the report.

The report is ready and will be sent on time.

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