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How can a team member use social accounts

By default only the team administrator can connect, list and use the social accounts in the AI & Social Poster app. The administrators can allow their team members to use the social accounts by role. The team members can't connect the social accounts.

To enable the permissions for social accounts usage:

  • Go to the Settings > Team Settings > Roles > desired role > Social.
  • Allow Social Access  - should be enabled to allow the AI & Social Poster app access.
  • Allow Configuration Access - should be enabled to allow access to the Configuration pages.
  • Allow Planner Access  - should be enabled to all Planner tool access.
  • Allow Accounts Preferences Editing - should be enabled to allow preferences update for social accounts.
  • Allowed Accounts - should select the accounts that will be available.

It's important to know, the groups with accounts won't be affected by these changes. The member could create group with accounts if the permission is granted, but will be able to select only the available accounts. If the groups with accounts are created (but enabled for a member), the member will be able to publish in all groups accounts even if some accounts aren't enabled for their team role.

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