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An overview of Twitter Metrics in the Social Analytics app


Followers is the name of the metric available for Twitter in the Overview page of the Social Analytics app. This metric shows the number of followers achieved on Twitter in a selected period of time.

The achieved or lost followers are grouped by days and you can see which days you had lost or achieved new followers. The metric shows the total number of the followers and the oscillation in percentage.

It is possible to export the metric in CSV or PDF files. 


Lists is the metric which shows to the user the number of the lists where the user is listed. This metric is available in the Social Analytics app > Overview page.

The Twitter Lists lets you organize, personalize and prioritize the tweets you see in your feed. You can choose to join Lists created by others on Twitter, or from your own account you can choose to create Lists of other accounts by group, topic or interest.

The Lists metric shows total number of lists where the user is added. It shows also by day the number of lists where the user has been added/removed.

It is possible to export the Lists metric reports in CSV or PDF files.

Posting Time

Posting Time is the name of the metric which shows when is the best time to publish tweets on Twitter. This metric collects the tweets information and identifies which hours are the best to publish a tweet on Twitter.

It is important to have same timezone on Twitter like in the Social Analytics app because the API returns the timestamp and is not possible to calculate the hours if the timezone is different.

How does Posting Time metrics work:

  • First of all, the user should connect the Twitter accounts in the system.
  • After this, the metric will monitor the tweets of the connected accounts.
  • The colors intensity depends on the popularity of the hours. 

The hours format could be changed to 12/24 hours.

The first day of the week can start on Sunday or Monday.

The metric can be exported in CSV or PDF files.

Overall Performance

Overall Performance is the name of the metric in the Twitter platform (in the Social Analytics app), which displays some general data about the selected Twitter accounts.

The Twitter API is very basic and for this reason the Overall Performance metric has only 3 reports:

  • Followers - shows the number of followers.
  • Tweets - shows the total number of tweets.
  • Follows - shows the number of followed users.
  • Lists - shows the number of lists where the user is saved.

The metric shows in the percentage the number of followers or likes achieved or lost in the selected time interval.

The reports can be exported in CSV or PDF files.

Recent Tweets

Recent Tweets is the name of the metric which shows the 5 newest tweets from a Twitter account. If are selected multiple accounts, will be showed only the 5 newest tweets which are the most popular.

In the Recent Tweets metric are displayed the tweets:

  • Description - if missing, the tweet link will be showed.
  • Retweets - the number of the retweets.
  • Quotes - the number of the times a tweet has been quoted.
  • Replies - shows how many replies tweet has.
  • Likes - shows how many likes tweet has.

It is possible to export the Recent Tweets in CSV or PDF files.

Popular Tweets

Popular Tweets is the name of the metric in the Twitter platform (in Social Analytics app), which shows the top five most popular tweets in a Twitter account. If multiple Twitter accounts are selected, the metric will show the 5 most popular tweets from all selected Twitter accounts.

In the Recent Tweets metrics:

  • Description - if missing, the tweet link will be showed .
  • Retweets - the number of the retweets.
  • Quotes - the number of the times a tweet has been quoted.
  • Replies - shows how many replies a tweet has.
  • Likes - shows how many likes a tweet has.

The most popular tweets could be exported in a CSV or PDF file.

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