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An overview of the Instagram Moderator app

The Instagram Moderator app is designed to simplify comment moderation on Instagram. This app automatically deletes unwanted comments and comments containing sensitive information, based on your account preferences. Comments can either be deleted or hidden automatically, and if needed, the user and their team can manually undo the hide action from the Instagram Moderator app.

One of the standout features of this app is the option to send a private message before deleting or hiding a comment. The app uses specific user conditions to determine which comments will be deleted or hidden, and it allows the user to choose whether or not to send a private message before moderating the comment.

Here are some of the key features of the Instagram Moderator app, grouped by section:


The Conditions feature allows users to create a list of rules for automatic comment moderation. This list of conditions can be used for individual Instagram accounts to moderate received comments. The conditions have four parameters:

  1. Keywords: Define the specific words that should trigger comment moderation.
  2. Accuracy: Used to accurately identify comments that require moderation based on the selected keywords.
  3. Private Message: Choose to send a private message to the commenter before moderating their comment.
  4. Categories: Categorize the conditions for use on individual Instagram accounts and to study the types of comments being moderated.

The app uses all compatible keywords and identifies the condition with the highest accuracy before applying the condition's rules. Conditions can be imported from a CSV file and exported to a CSV file.

Categories (must have)

The Categories feature is used for three purposes:

  1. To group the conditions.
  2. To display to the Instagram account which conditions are being used.
  3. To understand the user's interests. When comments are moderated automatically, all of the categories used are assigned to the commenter. These assigned categories can be viewed on the Instagram Moderator > Guests page > desired guest and on the Instagram Moderator > Overview page. The Overview page displays the total number of categories assigned in a time interval.


The Overview page allows the team owner to view the app's activity, with other team members not having access to this page. Information can be filtered by time interval and team groups. The Overview page includes three widgets:

  1. Guests: Displays the number of guests achieved per day.
  2. Total: Displays the total number of moderated comments, saved comments, and achieved guests.
  3. Categories: Displays the number of times a category was assigned, with categories ordered by assigned times in descending order.


This app is designed to provide professional services, with all activities performed by the team's members registered for the team owner to view.


The Guests page displays all Instagram users who have created unwanted comments. On this page, you can see assigned categories, basic information, and all of a guest's comments. The guests can be exported to a CSV file that includes the guest's name and assigned categories.


The Instagram Moderator provides a range of permissions to control team member actions in the app.


The team administrator can receive notifications about new moderated comments and errors. These notifications are popups displayed on all pages until the user either closes them or accesses the comment's page.

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