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An overview of LinkedIn Companies Metrics in the Social Analytics app


Followers is the name of the metric which shows in the Social Analytics app an overview page of the number of followers that the selected Linkedin Companies have. 

This metric shows:

  • Total number of followers.
  • Achieved or lost followers by day.
  • Achieved or lost followers per total in percentage.

The metric can be printed or exported in a CSV or PDF file.

Company Views

Company Views is the name of the metric in the Social Analytics app an overview page which shows the number of views for the Linkedin Companies. 

The metric Company Views shows the number of views by day. The views are grouped by device type (Desktop and Mobile). The user is able to see how many people are viewing its company from a mobile and desktop browser.

The user is able even to export the Company Views metric in a CSV or PDF file.

Overall Performance

Overall Performance is the name of the metric in the Linkedin platform (in the Social Analytics app), which shows general insights about the selected Linkedin Companies and their posts. Personal profiles are not supported.

Overall Performance shows:

  • Followers - shows the number of followers.
  • Company Views - shows the number of views for your Linkedin Companies pages.
  • Careers Views - shows the number of views for Linkedin Careers pages.
  • Jobs Views - shows the number of page views in the Jobs section.
  • Banner Clicks - shows the number of clicks on the banner promo on the careers page.
  • Employees Clicks - shows the number of clicks on the employees section on the careers page.
  • Jobs Clicks - shows the number of clicks on the jobs section on the careers page.
  • Links Clicks - shows the number of clicks on the promo links on the careers page.

The Overall Performance metric can be received by email, exported in a CSV or PDF file.

Recent Posts

Recent Posts is the name of the metric in the Linkedin platform (in the Social Analytics app) which allows seeing the last 5 posts published in a Linkedin Company. It is possible to select multiple Linkedin Companies, but then a total of 5 posts from the selected Linkedin Companies will be displayed.

The Recent Posts metric shows:

  • The post's message.
  • Number of impressions.
  • Number of shares.
  • Number of reaches.
  • Number of likes.

The metric is not showing the posts cover because the images have several days life until their URLs are expiring.

The Recent Posts metric can be exported in a CSV/PDF file.

Popular Posts

Popular Posts is the name of the metric in the Linkedin platform (in Social Analytics app), which shows the5 most popular posts of a Linkedin Company. If multiple Linkedin Companies are selected, the metric will show the 5 most popular posts from all selected Linkedin Companies.

The metric displays the post message,  the number of impressions, clicks and engagements.

The metric is not showing the posts cover because the images have several days life until their urls are expiring. Download of the covers is possible but it will be on the server and will use its space.

The most popular posts could be exported in a CSV or PDF file.

Posting Time

Posting Time is the name of the metric in the Linkedin platform(in the Social Analytics app), which shows the hours when your posts should be published to get the maximum audience.

The information isn't collected in real time. When the user connects a Linkedin Company anywhere in the system, the Social Analytics app starts to process the published posts and discovers which posts have got the highest number of engagements, clicks and impressions. And based on the results it shows the hours with the best visibility.

The app just collects the data from the previous day posts. The data is saved in the database and the user could use the date picker to see which hours are popular in the desired time interval. 

The data collected by the Posting Time metric can be exported in a CSV file, as PDF and it has support for the email template.

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