An overview of Instagram Metrics in the Social Analytics app
Recent Media
Recent Media is the name of the metric in the Instagram platform (in the Social Analytics app) which allows to see the last 5 media published in one Instagram account. It is possible to select multiple Instagram accounts, but the 5 most popular media from the selected Instagram accounts will be displayed.
The Recent Media metric shows:
Media thumbnail for video/image and first image from an album.
The caption.
Number of impressions.
Number of shares.
Number of reaches.
Number of likes.
The Recent Media metric could be exported in a CSV/PDF file.
Posting Time
Posting Time is the name of the metric in the Instagram platform (in the Social Analytics app), which shows the hours when your posts should be published to reach the maximum audience.
The information isn't collected in real time. When the user connects an Instagram account anywhere in the system, the Social Analytics app starts to process the published posts and discovers which posts have got the highest number of engagements, clicks and impressions. And based on the results it shows the hours with the best visibility.
The app just collects the data from the previous day posts. The data is saved in the database and the user can use the date picker to see which hours are popular in the desired time interval.
The data collected by the Posting Time metric can be exported in a CSV file, as PDF and it has support for the email template.
Popular Media
Popular Media is the name of the metric in the Instagram platform(in the Social Analytics app) which is allowing to get the last 5 media published in one Instagram account. Is possible to select multiple Instagram accounts, but will be displayed the 5 most popular media from the selected Instagram accounts.
The Popular Media metric shows:
Media thumbnail for video/image and first image from an album.
The caption.
Number of impressions.
Number of shares.
Number of reaches.
Number of likes.
The Popular Media metric could be exported in a CSV/PDF file.
Overall Performance
Overall Performance is the name of the metric in the Instagram platform (in the Social Analytics app), which shows general insights about the selected Instagram accounts and their posts.
Overall Performance shows:
Followers - shows the number of followers.
Profile Visits - shows the number of times when the Instagram accounts were seen.
Likes - shows the number of likes for the accounts media.
Shares - shows the number of times when the media were shared.
Impressions - shows the number of impressions (for media).
Reach - shows the total number of reaches for the accounts media.
Comments - shows the number of comments.
Replies - shows the number of replies.
- Saves - shows the number of saves of your posts, reels, and videos.
The Overall Performance metric cab be received by email, exported in a CSV or PDF file.
Followers is a metric in the overview page which shows the number followers for the selected Instagram accounts. This metric shows by day the number of achieved and lost followers, total percentage of achieved or lost followers in a selected time interval and shows total number of followers.
This metric can be exported in a CSV or PDF file. It has support even for email template.
Impressions is a metric (for Instagram) in the Overview page which shows information about the impressions.
This metric shows:
Total number of impressions in the selected time period.
The percentage for achieved or lost impressions.
- Achieved impressions or lost impressions comparing with the previous day.
The Impressions metric could be exported in CSV and PDF files, has support for email.
Likes is the name of the metric which is showing total number of likes achieved on Instagram. When someone likes your media on Instagram, the like is saved. This metric shows these likes.
The metric Likes is available in the Social Analytics app > Overview page. There you will see likes grouped by days, total likes and the percentage of lost or achieved likes for the selected time interval.
It is possible to export the Likes metric reports in CSV and PDF files.
Profile Visits
Profile Visits is the name of the metric in the Social Analytics app > Overview page which shows the number of visits for the Instagram Accounts.
The metric Profile Visits shows the number of visits by day.
The user is able even to export the Profile Visits metric in a CSV or PDF file.
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